We are always looking for ways to make going to the bathroom in a wilderness setting a bit easier. It can be intimidating to pee into the river. Don’t worry though, everyone on your trip is in the same boat and it really isn’t a big deal!
Some past guests have recommended a gizmo that just might be a game-changer: a female urination device. It is a plastic device that allows women to pee standing up and without having to undress. A few ladies have raved about using them on the river and we wanted to share their advice.
“Considering a “go girl” or “PStyle” female urination device is recommended. I had one and it was of interest as my friends waded into hip deep 45 degree water while I stayed on shore.” -Lynne, Saint Louis, MO
I will say that the female urination device, which I had never heard of before this trip, is highly recommended. It made that portion of my trip much easier! -Tammy, Alexandria, VA
Some helpful tips:
My recommendation for a female urination device is the pStyle. Other alternatives include the SheWee, and GoGirl.
Another helpful option for peeing in the backcountry is a pee rag, such as P* Off Cloths or Kula Cloth. The idea is to help promote Leave No Trace principles by using less toilet paper in the wilderness and using a bandana or rag to wipe instead when going pee. It might sound a bit strange but is pretty common with backpackers and avid hikers. Just wash it at the end of the day in the river with biodegradable soap and hang to dry. For those of you who hate to drip dry, this is a good option.
Neither of these devices are at all necessary; they are just options that might make going #1 in the backcountry a little more comfortable. Check them out to see if they might work for you. Our feminine hygiene blog also contains information to help you prepare and ease some of that pre-trip anxiety.
Want to know more about the bathroom? Check out Number Two with a View!